Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh, Summer, Summer! Wherefore Art Thou Summer?

Is this not the most depressing forecast?
As I have previously expressed, it is summer; the time when I degenerate from, neat little Bethany with her 4.0 into crazy little Bethany who always wears sun dresses and never brushes her hair. Although that change has not failed to occur, it still doesn't feel like summer. The greatest contributing factor to the lack of summerly feeling is the rain, the constant, driving, never-ending rain! I have never known it to rain so much in my existence, or, indeed, rain with such a steady pattern. It starts off with a little sprinkle, continues with the slow drop of gigantic drops, and then it suddenly changes to a torrential downpour which lasts only a few minutes, it then becomes a steady rain shower. It is depressing!

However, this is not the only topic I wished to talk about, so I must move on. At the end of the summer,
Allen County Public Libraries holds a photography competition for students, so during summer I start to look through my photos to decide which are worth entering. I have many photos that I love, but I can only enter three into each of the four categories, so there are always some that I regret I cannot enter. Because of my regret for not giving these photos a chance to be seen, I am going to make a page on my blog where I will publish the best of the pictures that I am not entering. I would love to post the ones that I am entering, but the acpl can get a little tetchy about things like that.

Oh, and one last thing, aren't you (all one of you who read this) proud of me? I broke my lazy tendency to post only once a month!

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