Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Worlds Greatest Book-Mark

I have seen many strange bookmarks in my time, but none as strange as this.
I found this in my library book a few minutes ago, and, needless to say, I have spent the interval laughing and then wondering who would use windshield-wiper packaging as a bookmark. (Even if the windshield-wiper in question prevents both straining and stretching.)

On Quotations

     Yes, I had to start off with a quote about writing. The full quotation is "I am a galley slave to pen and ink"-Honore de Balzac, which tells much of the life of writers. I wanted to find a Lord Byron quote so that I could say that I had a quote from him as the name of my blog. (I have a strange urge to run up to people and say "Hey, guess what! I have a quote from Lord Byron as the name of  my blog!") Unfortunately, he was not forthcoming with quotes about writing. Of course he wrote loads about life, desire, and the human mind, but noooo, poor writing was left out in the cold.
     Whenever I hear something about Balzac, it makes me think about the song from Music Man where his name is mentioned. It's a sad fact that a man can spend his life thinking and writing about extraordinary things, and still be remembered for being mentioned in a song. But I suppose that in a few years he won't be remembered at all