
Yes, this is my eye.

There may be record snowfall, but juniper
is remarkably persistent.

My apology flowers were beautiful.

I don't have a thing for eyes....

So much snow.

The last of the apology roses.

The lady bug adventurer!

Don't even blink.

Why did I put this in?

More dead things in winter.

Rupert unhinges his jaw and swallows his prey whole.

Cue creepy music.

Come along, Pond.

Mmmmm.... candles....

I stole a hat from my sister for photography purposes

They aren't just sympathy cookies; they're a work of art. 

The first picture I took with this camera.
And yes, my feet.

Ellie steals the picture.

More dead plants....

I am entering a different picture of this in the contest.

My beautiful blue boots.

Tim Skipper of House of Heroes. He is looking into your soul.