Saturday, July 9, 2011

Failure to Post

Okay, I have to apologize for not having posted in ages, but I have a reason. I have been busy; I have started memorizing Hebrews and 1 & 2 Peter for Bible quizzing, and it has pretty much taken over my life. Of late, many conversations with my sister have run thus:

Her(upon finding me crouched in the recliner and muttering to myself): "Hey, want to watch a movie"
Me(Staring up at her while clutching my graffitied text): "I can't." (I go back to reading and muttering)
Her: Why not?
Me(Mouth taking over before the brain has time to think): I have to work on my quotes.
Her: You always say that!
Me(once more returning to my quoting): It's always true.

So if any of you ever want to memorize Hebrews, 1&2 Peter, you can use my flashcards here.

Another thing I wanted to tell you is that I will be gone all next week because I will be on a missions trip. It's in the city, but we are going to be working with the refugees that live here. It's my second time going, but I'm still nervous because of some of the changes being made to the program. The changes are for the better, but it is still rather frightening to go into a unknown situation. As soon as I get back, I will make a post about the trip and post my pictures.

Sorry that this post is so short, but I have to leave in a few minutes so I didn't really have time to say anything else.