Thursday, March 31, 2011


A few days ago I found this small tube of scar gel sitting on the counter in my house. It is relatively normal, but one detail caught my eye. You will see that it says, in fancy italics, "specially formulated for scars". And that got me thinking, isn't all scar gel formulated for scars? Surely  there aren't any brands of scar gel that aren't formulated for scars. Are there?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Recently, Justin Bieber posted a tweet that might just destroy the very fabric of the universe: "im not shaving for a month so you all can see my mustache. i'm pumped!"'

 My immediate reaction to this was, "Justin Bieber is able to grow a mustache?" So I started to think about Justin Bieber with a mustache.What kind of mustache would he have? Would he look like a creeper or and idiot? (and no, the thought that he might look good with a mustache never crossed my mind.) I decided to test his ideas by photo shopping a variety of mustached onto a picture of his face. These are what I came up with.

The John Green Pizza Mustache-
I'm not certain why doing a really terrible job of photo shopping the mustaches on gave me such amusement, but it did.

This picture was from the 2006 mustache championships. I don't think that Justin Bieber will ever really grow this mustache, but I can dream.

Adolf Hitlers famously hideous mustache.

I really, really hope he tries it!

I tried to photo shop Jamie Hyneman's mustache, but it didn't work very well. Though at this point, I don't really care.

I hope you liked Justin Bieber's Mustache, if you did please post a comment.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm not alone!

     Yesterday morning, my friend, Emily, picked a paper up off of a classroom floor. Emily looked at it for a minute, started laughing uncontrollably, and then handed the paper to me. What I saw there proved to me that I may not be the strangest person in the middle school any more.

So now you're probably thinking, "What is all that about? Are those hamburgers dancing to the music?". Yes. Those hamburgers are definitely dancing to the music. But for those whose eyes cannot decipher the terrible middle schooler handwriting, I will describe each image.

First, we have Claire and Katie riding unicorns up a rainbow underneath a rather frightening sun. There is also a nicely done flying shoe.

In this next image, Darth Vader is standing at the base of the rainbow on which Claire and Katie ride their unicorns. I'm not certain whether Darth Vader is chasing them with his light-saber or if he's just creeping on them, and who can tell which worse?

I think this is fairly self-explanatory; a nerd is riding on the winged flying calculator. This was obviously drawn  by someone who holds a stereotypical view on nerds. Any true nerd would be able to multiply         2x2 in their head, and I say this as a proud citizen of nerdfighteria.

Next to Darth Vader, we find the extraordinarily obese porcupine, who is happily standing by a river in which the singing mermaid sings to the fish. A pig flies through the rainbow above, rolling his eyes at the terrible singing.


Those hamburgers can dance! Maybe they're dancing because of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

The evil gummy bears take off in their home-made rocket ship. They're probably going to take over the world any day know.

Both you're creeper and my creeper live in the same house. Why are there so many creepers? That's a question I ask myself at school every day.

A casually dressed leprechaun leaps from his pot of gold. He looks as if he's about to burn his hair on  the fire coming from the Confederacy of Evil Gummy Bear's ship.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


     For those of you who don't know, the Bissel vacuum cleaner company is holding a pet photography contest to find a new picture for their packaging. I was of course, being a photographer, interested in their contest. When I went to make an account, I saw that I had to choose my age group.
     After I set my age group as 12 to 17, I entered the rest of the information needed and submitted it. I was immediately  taken to a screen, which contained, instead of the welcome notice and introduction to the contest that I was expecting, this  picture of an endearing dog who has a 'vote me badge'. Apart from my immediate concerns as to what kind of terrible person would pin a badge directly into a dog (look at the pain in his eyes!), I was confused. If they wouldn't allow anyone under the age of 18 to enter, then why were there two separate groups for those under-age? Why not just put under 18. Why put any ages under 18 on the list at all? Any way, nothing will stop a child that wants to enter the contest from entering, so why bother?