Saturday, May 7, 2011

Things That Bother Me.

I haven't posted for a while, which is strange because most bloggers probably post on their birthdays, but I was busy. Lately, I have been thinking about pet peeves, so I decided to blog about them.

  1. wen ppl skp lttrs wen thy typ n nvr use cptl lttrs
  2. When people skip comma's all the time
  3. When people misuse the word "Literally"
  4. When people treat little kids like stuffed animals
  5. Hypocrisy 
  6. When people who talk really loudly
  7. Radio stations who play the same songs over and over again (And yes Star 88.3, I am talking to you)
So those are some of my pet peeves. I have to stop typing because the commercial break just ended and I have to go watch Doctor Who.


  1. Happy belated birthday!!

    and no seven really bugs me too. Which is why I no longer listen to the radio :P
